explain how agriculture and textile impacted the economic of South Carolina, write it like i a 13 year old would, small words and a bit sloppy

So, like, agriculture and textiles really had a big impact on South Carolina's economy, you know? Agriculture means growing crops and raising animals, and textiles means making clothes and fabric stuff.

First off, agriculture was a super important industry in South Carolina. They grew crops like rice, cotton, and indigo. These crops were like, major money-makers for the state. People would work on plantations, which were like big farms, to grow these crops and sell them. This brought in a lot of cash and helped the economy grow.

Then there's textiles. South Carolina had a bunch of textile factories where they made all kinds of clothes and fabrics. These factories provided jobs for people, especially during the Industrial Revolution. The workers would make things like cotton shirts, pants, and even blankets. The textile industry created a bunch of employment opportunities and helped boost the economy.

Both agriculture and textiles helped South Carolina make money and improve their economy. They provided jobs for people and made people wealthy. They also brought in lots of customers from other states who wanted to buy their crops and clothes. Without agriculture and textiles, South Carolina would have been way less financially successful.