Read the short passage “The Reader.”

Imagine how the story might continue after Jorge enters the secret passageway.
Using 3rd person point of view, write an ending to this story.
Use sensory language to describe where the passageway leads. Create at least one character Jorge meets.
Include a conversation between Jorge and the new character. Must have at least 4 lines of dialogue, properly punctuated. Resolution & Conclusion- How does the story end?
Use active voice. Avoid using too many being verbs like is, was, were, etc
3 paragraphs minimum

Jorge's heart raced as he cautiously made his way into the secret passageway, the darkness engulfing him. His fingertips grazed the rough stone walls, a chill crawling up his spine. As he ventured deeper into the depths of the dark passage, a faint flicker of light shimmered ahead, beckoning him forward. The air seemed to grow thicker, as if laced with mystery and anticipation. Jorge quickened his pace, eager to uncover the secrets that awaited him.

Finally, the passageway led Jorge to a hidden chamber bathed in a soft, golden glow. The air was heavy with the scent of old leather and musty books, creating an atmosphere of forgotten knowledge and wisdom. Shelves lined the chamber, filled with ancient tomes and artifacts from a time long gone. Jorge's eyes widened in awe, his fingers itching to caress the intricate carvings and delicate parchments.

Just as Jorge approached the center of the chamber, a figure emerged from the shadows. A woman, dressed in flowing robes and adorned with silver jewelry, stepped forward with a welcoming smile. "Welcome, seeker of knowledge," she said, her voice melodic yet tinged with age. "I am Althea, the guardian of this sacred sanctuary. What brings you to this hidden haven?"

Jorge, still mesmerized by the beauty and wisdom surrounding him, found his voice. "I stumbled upon this passageway by chance," he confessed, his eyes never leaving Althea's face. "But now that I have found it, I seek answers. I long to unravel the mysteries of the world, to quench my thirst for knowledge." His voice quivered with excitement and determination.

Althea's eyes twinkled with understanding and wisdom. "You are brave, young seeker," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "In this chamber, hidden deep beneath the surface, lies the accumulation of centuries of wisdom. Countless stories, forgotten truths, and profound knowledge are laid bare for those who dare to seek them. You have found the beginning of a journey that will change your life forever."

And so, Jorge's journey of discovery and enlightenment began in that hidden chamber. Under Althea's guidance, he delved deep into the secrets of the past, unearthing truths that had long been buried. With every turn of a page and every whispered conversation, Jorge's understanding of the world grew. And as he emerged from the chamber, he carried within him a newfound wisdom and a burning desire to share his knowledge with the world. The story of "The Reader" had reached its conclusion, but Jorge's own tale had just begun.