Rafael is driving his motorhome. It uses 4 gallons of gas for every 28 miles he travels.

Complete the table below showing the number of gallons used and the distance traveled.

number of gallons 4 __ 7 __ 10
distand (miles) 28 35 __63__

fill in the blanks

number of gallons 4 __ 7 __ 10

distance (miles) 28 35 __63__

To find the missing values, we can set up a proportion:

4 gallons / 28 miles = x gallons / y miles

Using cross-multiplication, we can solve for x and y:

4y = 28x
7x = 35
10y = 63

Solving for x:
7x = 35
x = 35 / 7
x = 5

Solving for y:
4y = 28x
4y = 28 * 5
4y = 140
y = 140 / 4
y = 35

So the completed table is:

number of gallons: 4, 5, 7, 10
distance (miles): 28, 35, 49, 70