△ABC is congruent to △GHE . Describe a sequence of transformations from △ABC to △GHE that proves their congruence.

(2 points)

One possible sequence of transformations that proves the congruence between △ABC and △GHE is:

1. Translation: Move △ABC to a new position such that point A coincides with point G.
2. Reflection: Reflect the translated triangle over the line containing segment AE. This will result in a new triangle, △A'B'C', where A' coincides with G and B' and C' may or may not coincide with E and H, respectively.
3. Rotation: Rotate △A'B'C' clockwise or counterclockwise until B' coincides with E and C' coincides with H.

After this sequence of transformations, △A'B'C' will have transformed into △GHE, with corresponding sides and angles congruent. Therefore, △ABC and △GHE are congruent.