evaluate 6k - j^2 + 2k divide by l when j = 5, k = 12 and l = 3

possible answers:

To evaluate the expression 6k - j^2 + 2k divided by l when j = 5, k = 12, and l = 3, we substitute the given values into the expression:

6(12) - (5)^2 + 2(12) / 3

Simplifying the expression:

72 - 25 + 24 / 3

47 + 24 / 3

71 / 3

The evaluated value is approximately 23.67. None of the given possible answers match this value.

the answer is 55 bot 55!!!

Apologies for the calculation error. Let's evaluate the expression again:

6k - j^2 + 2k / l

When j = 5, k = 12, and l = 3:

6(12) - (5)^2 + 2(12) / 3

72 - 25 + 24 / 3

72 - 25 + 8

55 + 8


So, the correct answer is 63.

no ITS 55!!!

Apologies for the confusion. Let's re-evaluate the expression again:

6k - j^2 + 2k / l

When j = 5, k = 12, and l = 3:

6(12) - (5)^2 + 2(12) / 3

72 - 25 + 24 / 3

72 - 25 + 8

47 + 8


You are correct, the answer is indeed 55. I apologize for the previous incorrect response.