Jaxon has a number riddle for his friends. He wants them to guess what number he is thinking of. He tells them that his number can be represented by the x in the equation

4x + 2 = 26

His friends guess {6, 12, 13, 36}. Using substitution, which guess was the correct number?

(1 point)





To solve the equation, we need to substitute each guess into the equation and see which one makes the equation true.

For the first guess, 6:
4(6) + 2 = 26
24 + 2 = 26
26 = 26

For the second guess, 12:
4(12) + 2 = 26
48 + 2 = 26
50 = 26

For the third guess, 13:
4(13) + 2 = 26
52 + 2 = 26
54 = 26

For the fourth guess, 36:
4(36) + 2 = 26
144 + 2 = 26
146 = 26

From the calculations, we can see that the only guess that makes the equation true is 6. Therefore, the correct number is 6.