If log12≈1.0792 and log3≈0.4771 , find log36 to four decimal places.(1 point)

Since log36 represents the logarithm of 36 to an unknown base, we need to find the base in order to solve the problem.

We can start by using the log property:
log(ab) = log(a) + log(b)

Thus, log36 can be divided into log(3^2) + log12.

Using the given logarithmic approximations, we have:
log(3^2) + log12 ≈ 2 * 0.4771 + 1.0792 ≈ 0.9542 + 1.0792 ≈ 2.0334

Therefore, log36 is approximately equal to 2.0334 to four decimal places. Answer: \boxed{2.0334}.