Sides of Similar Figures Quick Check

4 of 54 of 5 Items

Use the image to answer the question.

An illustration shows two quadrilaterals, one big and one small. The smaller quadrilateral is A B C D and the bigger one is H G F E.

Which statement represents the similarity between the two figures?

(1 point)

quadrilateral DCBA ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

quadrilateral DCBA ∼ quadrilateral GEFH

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral EFGH

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

and how did we solve the question?

We can determine the similarity between two figures based on their corresponding angles and proportional side lengths.

In this case, we can see that the smaller quadrilateral ABCD corresponds to the bigger quadrilateral HGFE. The vertices are labeled in the same order, indicating that each corresponding angle and side length should be proportional.

Therefore, the statement "quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral HGFE" represents the similarity between the two figures.