Why does the defense attorney ask the witness what medical school he went to and question the number of cigarette cartons missing?

There could be several reasons why a defense attorney might ask a witness about their medical school or question the number of missing cigarette cartons during a trial. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Impeachment of the witness: By asking about the witness's medical school, the defense attorney may be trying to discredit their credibility or expertise. If the witness's medical school is not well-regarded or lacks credibility, it could undermine their testimony or the weight given to their opinion. It is a way for the defense attorney to challenge the witness's qualifications in order to weaken their overall testimony.

2. Bias or ulterior motive: The defense attorney might be looking to establish a possible bias or ulterior motive on the part of the witness by questioning the number of missing cigarette cartons. By suggesting that the witness has a personal interest in the case, such as a financial motive to exaggerate or misrepresent their knowledge, it can cast doubt on their testimony. This line of questioning could be an attempt to show that the witness has a vested interest in the outcome and may be willing to lie or manipulate the truth.

3. Challenging the chain of custody: By questioning the number of missing cigarette cartons, the defense attorney might be trying to challenge the prosecution's evidence and the credibility of their case. They could be suggesting that the chain of custody for the evidence was compromised, meaning there may be doubts about the accuracy or reliability of the evidence presented by the prosecution. This line of questioning aims to create doubt in the minds of the jury about the strength of the case against the defendant.

It's important to note that the specific motivations of a defense attorney can vary depending on the context and nature of the trial. These are just a few possible reasons why a defense attorney might ask such questions, and the actual reasons may differ in each case.