Clarissa received $50 for her birthday. She spent two fifths of the money on a new pair of jeans. She spent five tenths of it on a new pair of shoes. What fraction of her money has Clarissa not yet spent?

Select the correct answer.

Question 9 options:

Mathml image of her money 1

Mathml image of her money 2

The fraction of her money that Clarissa has not yet spent can be found by subtracting the fractions of money she has already spent from one whole (or 100%).

She spent two fifths (2/5) on jeans and five tenths (5/10 or 1/2) on shoes.

To find the fraction of money she has not spent, we can subtract these fractions from one whole:

1 - 2/5 - 1/2

Finding a common denominator of 10:

10/10 - 4/10 - 5/10


(10 - 4 - 5) / 10


Therefore, Clarissa has not yet spent 1/10 of her money.