how to sign 10:55 am in asl

To sign "10:55 am" in ASL (American Sign Language), you can follow these steps:

1. Start with signing the number "10": Hold your dominant hand open with your palm facing you, and extend all fingers except for the thumb. Curve the thumb across the palm towards the base of the pinky finger.

2. Next, sign the number "5": Keep your hand in the same position as before, and fold down the pinky finger and ring finger towards the palm, and extend the remaining fingers.

3. For "55", repeat the sign for "5" twice using quick and repetitive movements.

4. Now, sign "AM": With your non-dominant hand open and palm facing up, place the bottom of your dominant hand's thumb on the base of your non-dominant hand's fingers, and then lift your dominant hand upwards.

So, the sequence of signs would be: "10" - "5" - "5" - "AM".

Remember to use a clear and concise hand movement and facial expression while signing.