Can you make a simple flowchart showing one way that a constitutional amendmenf can be proposed and ratified.

Sure! Here's a simple flowchart showing one way a constitutional amendment can be proposed and ratified in the United States:

Is there a proposal?
NO ---+
Proposal by Congress? ------ NO ----- Proposal by National Convention?
| |
| |
YES ------ V V
| Proposal is ratified by 3/4th of state legislatures?
| |
| |
V |
Proposal is YES ------ Proposal is Ratified
Introduced to |
Congress |
| |
| |
V |
Proposal is passed NO ------ Proposal Expires
by 2/3rd of both |
houses of Congress |
| |
| |
V |
Proposal is sent to |
state legislatures for V
ratification Proposal is Rejected
| |
| |
Proposal is ratified? |
| |
NO |
| |
V |
Proposal Expires |
Proposal is Ratified and
Becomes an Amendment

Please note that this flowchart represents one possible process for a constitutional amendment in the United States and may not cover all scenarios or variations in the process. The actual procedure may vary depending on the specific circumstances and provisions provided in the U.S. Constitution.