Use factor-label method to convert 14.4 lb/in2

to kg/m2

To convert 14.4 lb/in² to kg/m² using the factor-label method, we need to multiply it by appropriate conversion factors.

Consider the following conversion factors:
1 lb = 0.453592 kg
1 in² = 0.00064516 m²

Start with the given value:

14.4 lb/in²

Multiply by the conversion factor to convert pounds to kilograms:

14.4 lb * 0.453592 kg/lb = 6.5304448 kg

Now, multiply by the conversion factor to convert square inches to square meters:

6.5304448 kg * 1 in² / 0.00064516 m² = 10106.3793662 kg/m²

Therefore, 14.4 lb/in² is equal to approximately 10106.3793662 kg/m² using the factor-label method.