Summarize each selection in 3-4 sentences.

The Odyssey Part I- Odysseus and the Cyclops
by Homer (epic poem)

In Part I of The Odyssey, Odysseus and his men find themselves trapped in a cave by the Cyclops named Polyphemus. The Cyclops devours several of Odysseus' men, prompting Odysseus to come up with a plan to escape. Odysseus cleverly blinds the Cyclops and escapes by hiding under the Cyclops' sheep, leaving Polyphemus raging and vowing revenge.

Summarize each selection in 3-4 sentences. “Ithaka” by C.P. Cavafy (poem)

In the poem "Ithaka," C.P. Cavafy uses the story of Odysseus' journey back to his homeland as a metaphor for the journey of life itself. The speaker advises the reader to appreciate the journey and not solely focus on the destination. The poem emphasizes the importance of personal growth, experience, and the fulfillment that comes from the pursuit of one's goals rather than just achieving them.