Katso is a truck driver he travels at an avarage speed of 80 km/h and covers a certain distance in 3 hours 20 minutes at what avarage speed should he travel to cover the same distance in 2 hours 40 minutes

To find the average speed at which Katso should travel to cover the same distance in 2 hours 40 minutes, we need to calculate the distance first.

Given that he covers the distance in 3 hours 20 minutes at an average speed of 80 km/h, we can convert the time to minutes: 3 hours + 20 minutes = 3 * 60 + 20 = 180 + 20 = 200 minutes

Using the formula: Average Speed = Distance/Time, we can calculate the distance:
80 km/h = Distance/200 minutes

Cross multiply to solve for the distance:
Distance = 80 * 200/1
Distance = 16,000 km

Now, to find the average speed at which he should travel to cover the same distance in 2 hours 40 minutes, we convert the time to minutes: 2 hours + 40 minutes = 2 * 60 + 40 = 120 + 40 = 160 minutes

Using the formula: Average Speed = Distance/Time, we can calculate the average speed:
Average Speed = 16,000 km/160 minutes

Convert minutes to hours:
Average Speed = 16,000 km/(160 minutes/60 minutes per hour)
Average Speed = 16,000 km/(2.67 hours)

Calculate the average speed:
Average Speed = 16,000 km/2.67 hours
Average Speed ≈ 5,997 km/h (rounded to 3 decimal places)

Therefore, Katso should travel at an average speed of approximately 5,997 km/h to cover the same distance in 2 hours 40 minutes.