Look at this table:

x y
1 4.5
2 5.7
3 6.9
4 8.1
5 9.3
Write a linear function (y=mx+b) or an exponential function (y=a(b)x) that models the data.

A linear function (y = mx + b) models the relationship between x and y when the change in y is constant for each unit increase in x. An exponential function (y = a(b)^x) models the relationship between x and y when the change in y is proportional to the initial value of y and a constant factor b raised to the power of x.

Looking at the given data:

x y
1 4.5
2 5.7
3 6.9
4 8.1
5 9.3

We can see that the change in y is not constant for each unit increase in x (as in a linear function) and does not seem to be proportional to the initial value of y (as in an exponential function). Therefore, it does not appear that either a linear or an exponential function would be suitable for modeling the given data accurately.