Suppose you have a credit card with an 20.4% annual interest rate, and the statement balance for the month is $8,600. Suppose also that you have already computed the average daily balance to be $11,868.

Find the interest charges for the month. Round to the nearest cent.

Find the amount due for your next bill. Round to the nearest cent.

To find the interest charges for the month, we can use the following formula:

Interest Charges = Average Daily Balance * (Annual Interest Rate / 365) * Number of Days in the Month

First, let's find the number of days in the month. Suppose the month has 30 days.

Interest Charges = $11,868 * (0.204 / 365) * 30
Interest Charges = $195.32

Therefore, the interest charges for the month are $195.32.

To find the amount due for your next bill, we need to add the interest charges to the statement balance.

Amount Due = Statement Balance + Interest Charges
Amount Due = $8,600 + $195.32
Amount Due = $8,795.32

Therefore, the amount due for your next bill is $8,795.32.