Describe why Stalin wanted to get Berlin ahead of other allies he wanted to prevent the dropping of the atomic bomb he wanted to capture German arterially and Normandy he wanted to secure the city and control its rebuilding he wanted to set up for the yalta conference

Stalin's desire to get Berlin ahead of other Allies can be attributed to several reasons:

1. Preventing the dropping of the atomic bomb: By capturing Berlin, Stalin aimed to control the German capital before other Allies could potentially use it as a base to launch an atomic bomb on the Soviet Union. Getting hold of Berlin would allow Stalin to ensure the safety and security of his own country.

2. Capturing German industry and infrastructure: Berlin was not only a strategic location but also the heart of German industry. Stalin wanted to capture and control German factories, infrastructure, and resources, which would aid in the post-war rebuilding process and help the Soviet Union recover from the devastating effects of the war.

3. Securing the city and controlling its rebuilding: By getting Berlin, Stalin aimed to secure the city against any potential threats and establish Soviet dominance in the region. Controlling the rebuilding process would allow Stalin to influence the political, economic, and social structure of Germany, ensuring a favorable outcome for the Soviet Union.

4. Setting up for the Yalta Conference: The Yalta Conference, held in February 1945, was a significant meeting between the leaders of the Allied powers to discuss the post-war world order. Stalin's goal of capturing Berlin was to establish a favorable position at the conference negotiations, as control of the German capital would give him greater leverage in determining the fate of Europe and Germany after the war.