given that 35 b equals 12 C find the ratio B:C in simplest form

To find the ratio B:C in simplest form, we can divide both sides of the equation 35B = 12C by the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 35 and 12.

The prime factorization of 35 is 5 * 7, and the prime factorization of 12 is 2^2 * 3.

The GCD of 35 and 12 is 1, since they do not share any common prime factors.

Dividing both sides by 1, we get:

(35B) / 1 = (12C) / 1

Simplifying, we arrive at:

35B = 12C

Now the ratio B:C is:

B/C = 12/35

Since there are no common factors between 12 and 35 (other than 1), the ratio B:C is already in simplest form.

Thus, the ratio B:C in simplest form is 12:35.