Katalin drove 300 miles on her vacation. She drove an average of 1.9 times faster on the second 150 miles of her trip than she did on the first 150 miles of her trip. Which expression represents the time she spent driving? Let x = her speed on the first half of the trip.


Let's say the speed Katalin drove on the first 150 miles is x mph.

Therefore, the speed she drove on the second 150 miles is 1.9x mph.

To find the time she spent driving, we need to divide the distance by the speed.

On the first 150 miles, Katalin spent 150 / x = (150x) / x = 150 hours driving.

On the second 150 miles, Katalin spent 150 / (1.9x) = (150 * (1 / 1.9)) / x = (500 / 1.9) / x = (1000 / 19) / x = (52.63 / x) hours driving.

Therefore, the total time she spent driving is 150 + 52.63 / x hours.

Simplifying the expression, we get 228.95x as the expression that represents the time she spent driving.

So, the correct answer is 228.95x.