Question 3%0D%0AA)35% of the campers went on a hike after dinner. If 35 campers went on the hike, what is the total number of campers at the camp?(1 point)%0D%0An=$$

We know that 35% of the campers went on a hike after dinner and that 35 campers went on the hike.

Let's assume the total number of campers at the camp is N.

Since 35% of the campers went on the hike, we can write an equation:

35% of N = 35

To solve for N, we need to find what number, when multiplied by 35%, equals 35.

We can rewrite 35% as a decimal: 35% = 0.35

So the equation becomes:

0.35N = 35

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.35, we get:

N = 35 / 0.35

N = 100

Therefore, the total number of campers at the camp is 100.

For connexus only

1. m=11
2. y=16
3. n=100
4. n=280
5. x =27

Have a great day or night!