Gretchen rode her snowmobile 1 1/4 miles to a snowmobile trail. She rode on the trail for 5 5/6 miles and then rode back home. Which addition Sentence shows how many miles Gretchen Rode?

A. 1 1/4 + 5 5/6 = 6 3/5

B. 1 1/4 + 5 5/6 = 7 1/12

C. 1 1/4 + 5 5/6 + 1 1/4 = 8 1/3

D. 1 1/4 + 5 5/6 + 1 1/4 7 = 1/2

The correct addition sentence that shows how many miles Gretchen rode is A. 1 1/4 + 5 5/6 = 6 3/5 miles.

just say a b d or c