A hockey puck with a mass of 0.16 kg travels at a velocity of 40 m/s toward a goalkeeper. The goalkeeper has a mass of 120 kg and is at rest. Assuming a closed system, find the total momentum of the goalkeeper and puck after the puck is caught by the goalkeeper. In 3-4 sentences, identify the object with the greater momentum after the puck is caught and explain your reasoning.(4 points)

The total momentum of the system before the puck is caught is given by the momentum of the puck, which is mass times velocity (0.16 kg * 40 m/s), since the goalkeeper is at rest. After the puck is caught, the total momentum of the system will be zero, since both the puck and the goalkeeper are at rest. Therefore, the object with the greater momentum after the puck is caught is the puck itself, since it had a non-zero momentum before being caught.