use the image of women working in a factory during world war i to answer the question. what development led to the type of activity seen in the image?

A)the required number of states ratified the nineteenth amendment.
B)congress passed the selective service act and established the draft
C) the president banned gender discrimination by executive order
D) state government enacted laws prohibiting the use of child labor

Based on the provided image of women working in a factory during World War I, the development that led to this type of activity can be associated with option B) Congress passing the Selective Service Act and establishing the draft.

During World War I, with a significant number of men serving in the military, there was a shortage of labor in various industries, including factories. To address this shortage, Congress passed the Selective Service Act in 1917, which required men to register for potential military service. With many men being drafted into the military, the positions in factories previously held by men were left vacant.

To maintain production and support the war effort, factories and industries began employing women in roles traditionally held by men. Women were encouraged to take up jobs in factories, including manufacturing weapons, munitions, and other supplies needed for the war. This shift in the workforce, with more women entering industrial jobs, is seen in the image of women working in a factory during World War I.

Thus, option B) Congress passing the Selective Service Act and establishing the draft is the development most closely linked to the activities depicted in the image.