Compare and contrast the TedEd version of pandora’s box with the version retold by James Baldwin. List at least one similarity and one difference.

One similarity between the TedEd version of Pandora’s Box and the version retold by James Baldwin is that both narratives discuss the consequences of curiosity and the unleashing of human suffering. In both versions, Pandora opens the forbidden box/jar and releases all the evils into the world, causing suffering and hardship for humanity.

One difference between the TedEd version and James Baldwin's retelling is the focus on hope. The TedEd version emphasizes that only hope was left in the box/jar after Pandora closed it, offering a glimmer of optimism amidst the troubles. On the other hand, James Baldwin's version does not explicitly mention hope being left behind; instead, it focuses more on the idea of Pandora's actions causing the origin of humanity's suffering.