use a calculator to find approximate solutions of the equation. 8.06x^2+25.8726x-25.047256=0

For a quadratic equation

the solutions are
For this question,
You can substitute the values and calculate the approximate values of the roots. They are approximate because of rounding errors, not because of the formula.
You can attempt the next question the same way.
At the end, substitute the value of x that you have found into the original equation to see if it adds up to zero, as it should be.

To find approximate solutions of the equation 8.06x^2 + 25.8726x - 25.047256 = 0 using a calculator, you can follow these steps:

1. Turn on your calculator and locate the square root (√) and division (/) buttons.
2. On the calculator, input the coefficients of the equation into the quadratic formula: a = 8.06, b = 25.8726, and c = -25.047256.
3. The quadratic formula is as follows:
x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)
4. Apply the quadratic formula and evaluate both solutions:
x = (-25.8726 ± √(25.8726^2 - 4 * 8.06 * -25.047256)) / (2 * 8.06)
5. Simplify the formula to get two solutions:
x1 ≈ -0.9792
x2 ≈ 3.0320

By using a calculator, you can find approximate solutions to the quadratic equation.