in 5-6 sentences explain how a root of a plant, that lacks Chloroplasts, gets energy.

A root is an underground part of a plant responsible for anchorage, absorption of water and minerals, and storage. While it lacks chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis in the leaves, a root obtains energy through other means. The primary source of energy for the root comes from the sugars and carbohydrates produced by the leaves through photosynthesis. These sugars are transported down to the roots through phloem tissue in the form of sucrose. The energy-rich sugars are then used by the root cells to carry out their metabolic functions, such as growth, maintenance, and respiration. Additionally, some roots have a symbiotic relationship with fungi called mycorrhiza, where the fungi help in the absorption of nutrients, including phosphorus, which provides additional energy to the root. Overall, even though the root lacks chloroplasts, it can obtain energy from the sugars produced by the leaves and through beneficial associations like mycorrhizal fungi.