Summarize the functions of the nervous system.

The nervous system controls the circulatory system by sending signals to the lungs, telling them to expand and inhale oxygen.

The nervous system controls the respiratory system by sending signals to the muscles, telling them to flex and move limbs.

The nervous system controls the digestive system by sending signals to the stomach, telling it to contract and digest food.

The nervous system controls the muscular system by sending signals to the blood, telling it to move throughout the body

and deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles.

The nervous system controls the immune system by sending signals to white blood cells, activating them to fight off infections and illnesses.

The nervous system controls the sensory system by receiving signals from various sensory receptors, such as those in the eyes, ears, and skin, and processing them into meaningful information.

The nervous system controls the endocrine system by sending signals to glands, instructing them to release hormones that regulate various bodily functions.

Overall, the nervous system is responsible for coordinating and regulating the functions of other body systems, allowing the body to respond appropriately to internal and external stimuli.