Use the Venn Diagram to record the similarities and differences between how people lived in the 18th compared to the 21st Century Here are some ideas to get you started: The way people dress What do kids do for fun Jobs that people do How people travel is there indoor plumbing and electicity?

Venn Diagram:

18th Century | 21st Century
Similarities | Differences
- Style of clothing | - Style of clothing
- Limited entertainment options | - Wide range of entertainment options
- Handicrafts and manual labor | - Advanced technology-driven jobs
- Reliance on traditional medicine | - Access to modern healthcare
- Use of horses for transportation | - Options like cars, planes, and public transport
- Limited access to education | - Widespread access to education
- Limited knowledge about | - Extensive knowledge and convenience of
electricity and plumbing | electricity and indoor plumbing
- Slavery and extreme social | - Greater equality, human rights awareness,
inequalities and diversity inclusion in society
- Less emphasis on environmental | - Greater awareness and efforts towards
conservation environmental conservation

Please note that this Venn diagram is not exhaustive and only provides a general overview of some similarities and differences between the two centuries.