all that is required is the

chart. It is on 6.8.2 and it must be done BY HAND. Attached below is a word doc and pdf version
so you can print it out. If you download first, you can type in the other parts, then print it out just to
draw the triangles and markings. The triangles should be drawn on your own, not pictures from
online and the other columns given ask for what the Thereom says and what required information.
For the required information you need to include words like this:
sss sas asa aas hl
1, 2, or 3 sets of congruent sides
congruent set of legs
congruent set of hypotenuses
congruent included sides (An included side is a side that is between 2 angles.)
1 or 2 sets of congruent angles
congruent included angles (An included angle is an angle that is between 2 sides.)

All of the markings should be shown on 2 triangles for each.

There is a bonus if you try to do the drawings and answer the questions anyway. (worth 2pts) If you
actually do the experiments and can upload a picture, you will also get 1pt per picture with the
strings. (worth 3pts). If will go toward portfolio points or quiz points if you have all the points.

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to assist.