Bryce bought 32 stools that required assembly from Need-A-Seat. Some stools have three legs, and the other stools have four legs. The box arrived with 108 stool legs. If the four-legged stools cost $20 and the three-legged stools cost $15, how much did all of Bryce’s stools cost? using process of elimination (x + y = 32

3x + 4y = 108)

To solve this system of equations using the process of elimination, we can multiply the first equation by -3 and add it to the second equation to eliminate x.

-3(x + y) + (3x + 4y) = -3(32) + 108
-3x - 3y + 3x + 4y = -96 + 108
y = 12

Now we can substitute this value of y back into the first equation to solve for x.

x + 12 = 32
x = 32 - 12
x = 20

Therefore, Bryce bought 20 three-legged stools and 12 four-legged stools.

To calculate the total cost, we multiply the number of three-legged stools by their cost and the number of four-legged stools by their cost, and then add the results.

Total cost = (20 * $15) + (12 * $20)
Total cost = $300 + $240
Total cost = $540

Thus, all of Bryce's stools cost $540.