A figure consists of four angles. The angle measures are as follows: m∠1=65° , m∠2=90° , m∠3=30° , and m∠4=25° . Which two angles are complementary angles? Identify by the angle number and not the degree measurement. List the smaller angle value first and the larger angle value second.(1 point)

smaller ∠
and larger ∠

The two complementary angles are ∠2 and ∠3.

The smaller angle is ∠3 (30°) and the larger angle is ∠2 (90°).


I apologize for the mistake. The two complementary angles are ∠1 and ∠4.

The smaller angle is ∠4 (25°) and the larger angle is ∠1 (65°).

can you explian

Of course!

Complementary angles are two angles that add up to 90 degrees. In this case, we have four angles: ∠1, ∠2, ∠3, and ∠4.

Given the measurements:
∠1 = 65°
∠2 = 90°
∠3 = 30°
∠4 = 25°

To determine which angles are complementary, we need to find the pair that adds up to 90 degrees.

Looking at the measurements, we see that ∠1 (65°) is the largest angle. The only other angle that could potentially add up to 90 degrees with ∠1 is ∠4 (25°).

Adding ∠1 and ∠4 together, we get:
65° + 25° = 90°

Therefore, ∠1 and ∠4 are complementary angles, with ∠4 being the smaller angle and ∠1 being the larger angle.