This is a story about a people it's hard to tell where they went you may see them again. people do cry when they hear them say " good bye forever" but you should understand what I mean today. You'll be very sad if cannot see your family you love severely. His house is of bricks and logs, Nothing else plain and simple. He says if you live a good life you'll be happy, if you live a bad life you'll be sad. So he addeds all I wish is to live a good, quiet simple life. But many ask him how can you do that when you, when you have so many troubles. But all he did was laugh and say find out for your self now I shell be on my way. Good bye forever. Now wait tell us were your go, they all did beg. But all he said was if I do that it will not be a good bye no! Now leave me be I shall be on my way. I

Fine you all play this play well" Anel. Said " you really can't tell that this is not real life. Now do tell us were your going, you may even make your mother cry if you not tell us all.

But if I tell he did reply then it shall not be good by forever. Nor a quiet peace till life.
But you do Know me your brother Anel will follow you and it not Me some one else will.
All he did in reply was smile and simply say you would not ruin both my life and were I will go after wards. ye shall not follow me.... But wait cryed out Anel what are you really doing this for.
Ah, may I say sense you asked I am bound to tell so I do it yay to be like the saints. And all save Anel have out a gasp. But the face of Anel was one so harsh indeed but it did not stir his brothers fath so off his brother went.. Nor did he look on back.. But oh Anel the one who did not farewell in such thoughts of things shouted so loudly that his mother began to cry and the what did Anel do he stumped off to there house to put so.e on his brothers trail......he him self desired to go as well, so why not let his brother to ever sends Anels older brother had been called to the kings side had Anel been the oldest at home. And when out of sight Anels brother went he followed him so closly, and if his brother thought he heard a voice and looked back to see Anel and his companion would his so well Anel knew not they were there. His brother went off and built a little home of bricks in the mountains till one night he spotted his cold brother and companion they did not know that he saw them but they were watching to see him closly.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Anel's brother continued to keep a close eye on his cold brother and his mysterious companion. He observed their every move, their conversations in whispers, and the glimmers of mischief in their eyes.

One fateful night, Anel's brother decided it was time to confront them. He approached their little home of bricks in the mountains, heart pounding with anticipation. As he neared, he saw his cold brother sitting by the fire, lost in thought, while his companion sharpened a knife.

Anel's brother took a deep breath and called out to them, his voice vibrating with a mix of anger and concern. Startled, they turned to face him, their faces a mixture of surprise and fear.

"Why?" Anel's brother demanded, his voice trembling with emotion. "Why have you led me on this chase? Why have you hidden yourself away, cutting yourself off from those who care for you?"

Anel's cold brother looked at him, his eyes filled with an unfamiliar glimmer of regret. He sighed heavily and gestured for his companion to put down the knife.

"I never wanted to hurt you," he said, his voice filled with remorse. "But I needed to find my own path, away from the expectations and limitations placed on me. I needed to discover who I truly am, separate from our family's legacy."

Anel's brother felt a mix of sadness and understanding wash over him. He had always known his brother to be restless, always yearning for something more than a quiet and simple life. But he never imagined that his search for identity and purpose would lead him to such extreme measures.

"But why keep it all a secret?" Anel's brother asked, his voice soft with empathy. "Why not let us in, let us be a part of your journey?"

Anel's cold brother lowered his gaze, his hands trembling slightly. "I was afraid," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "Afraid of disappointing you, of not living up to the expectations placed upon me. I thought it would be better to leave quietly, to not burden anyone with my struggles."

Tears welled up in Anel's brother's eyes as he realized the depth of pain his brother had carried within him. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and pulled his cold brother into a tight embrace.

"We may not understand everything you're going through," Anel's brother said, his voice choked with emotion, "but that doesn't mean we don't love you. We will always be here for you, no matter what path you choose to take."

In that moment, all the walls that Anel's cold brother had built around himself began to crumble. The weight of his solitude and isolation lifted, replaced by the warmth of his brother's love and acceptance.

From then on, Anel's cold brother realized he didn't need to push everyone away to find his own way. He could explore the depths of his soul, walk the unknown paths, all while knowing that he had a family who would support him unconditionally.

And so, they returned home together, their hearts filled with a renewed sense of connection and understanding. The tears that once fell when they heard the words "goodbye forever" were replaced with tears of joy and gratitude for the love that had brought them back together.

As for Anel, he held his head high, knowing that he had played a part in reuniting his family, and in doing so, had found his own inner strength. For in the end, it was his unconditional love and unwavering persistence that had led them all back to one another, forever.