This is a story about a people it's hard to tell where they went you may see them again. people do cry when they hear them say " good bye forever" but you should understand what I mean today. You'll be very sad if cannot see your family you love severely. His house is of bricks and logs, Nothing else plain and simple. He says if you live a good life you'll be happy, if you live a bad life you'll be sad. So he addeds all I wish is to live a good, quiet simple life. But many ask him how can you do that when you, when you have so many troubles. But all he did was laugh and say find out for your self now I shell be on my way. Good bye forever. Now wait tell us were your go, they all did beg. But all he said was if I do that it will not be a good bye no! Now leave me be I shall be on my way. I

Fine you all play this play well" Anel. Said " you really can't tell that this is not real life. Now do tell us were your going, you may even make your mother cry if you not tell us all.

But if I tell he did reply then it shall not be good by forever. Nor a quiet peace till life.
But you do Know me your brother Anel will follow you and it not Me some one else will.
All he did in reply was smile and simply say you would not ruin both my life and were I will go after wards. ye shall not follow me.... But wait cryed out Anel what are you really doing this for.
Ah, may I say sense you asked I am bound to tell so I do it yay to be like the saints. And all save Anel have out a gasp. But the face of Anel was one so harsh indeed but it did not stir his brothers fath so off his brother went.. Nor did he look on back.. But oh Anel the one who did not farewell in such thoughts of things shouted so loudly that his mother began to cry and the what did Anel do he stumped off to there house to put so.e on his brothers trail......he him self desired to go as well, so why not let his brother to ever sends Anels older brother had been called to the kings side had Anel been the oldest at home. And when out of sight Anels brother went he followed him so closly, and if his brother thought he heard a voice and looked back to see Anel and his companion would his so well Anel knew not they were there.

As Anel and his companion followed Anel's brother, they ventured through forests and meadows, always maintaining a distance so as not to be seen. Anel's determination to discover his brother's destination grew stronger with each passing day.

They traveled for days, the sun shining upon them as they crossed rivers and climbed steep hills. Anel's legs ached, but his determination never wavered. He knew he had to find his brother, to understand his purpose and provide him with the support he needed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Anel's brother arrived at a small village nestled in the mountains. Anel and his companion observed from a distance as he was warmly welcomed by the villagers. They saw the smiles on their faces and the gratitude in their eyes.

Anel could not comprehend why his brother had chosen this humble village, but he trusted his decision. As days turned into weeks, Anel and his companion watched his brother immerse himself in the community, dedicating his time and efforts to improving the lives of those around him.

The villagers spoke of his brother's kindness and selflessness, of the positive impact he had made in such a short amount of time. Anel's heart swelled with pride, but he still longed to understand his brother's motivation.

One night, as Anel and his companion camped near the village, they found themselves engulfed in a conversation with an elderly villager. The old man spoke of the immense suffering he had endured before Anel's brother arrived.

He told tales of famine, illness, and despair that had plagued their village for years. But since his brother's arrival, hope had returned, and life had begun to flourish once again. Anel listened intently, tears welling in his eyes.

The old man explained that Anel's brother had traveled to this village with the sole intention of bringing peace and happiness to its inhabitants. He had dedicated his life to the service of others, sacrificing his own desires for the well-being of those in need.

Anel was overcome with emotion. He realized that his brother's farewell was not one of sadness or abandonment, but rather a selfless act of love and devotion. His brother had chosen to leave their family to help rebuild a community that had lost all hope.

Filled with a newfound understanding, Anel returned home, carrying the stories of his brother's compassion and sacrifice in his heart. He knew that he too wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.

Years passed, and Anel followed in his brother's footsteps. He dedicated his life to helping those in need, never forgetting the lessons he had learned from his brother's journey.

And as Anel worked tirelessly to bring hope and joy to others, he often whispered to the wind, knowing that his brother's spirit was forever with him. Goodbye forever, he would say, for their parting had birthed a legacy of love and kindness that would endure for generations to come.