This is a story about a people it's hard to tell where they went you may see them again. people do cry when they hear them say " good bye forever" but you should understand what I mean today. You'll be very sad if cannot see your family you love severely. His house is of bricks and logs, Nothing else plain and simple. He says if you live a good life you'll be happy, if you live a bad life you'll be sad. So he addeds all I wish is to live a good, quiet simple life. But many ask him how can you do that when you, when you have so many troubles. But all he did was laugh and say find out for your self now I shell be on my way. Good bye forever. Now wait tell us were your go, they all did beg. But all he said was if I do that it will not be a good bye no! Now leave me be I shall be on my way. I

Fine you all play this play well" Anel. Said " you really can't tell that this is not real life. Now do tell us were your going, you may even make your mother cry if you not tell us all.

But if I tell he did reply then it shall not be good by forever. Nor a quiet peace till life.
But you do Know me your brother Anel will follow you and it not Me some one else will.
All he did in reply was smile and simply say you would not ruin both my life and were I will go after wards. ye shall not follow me.... But wait cryed out Anel what are you really doing this for.
Ah, may I say sense you asked I am bound to tell so I do it yay to be like the saints. And all save Anel have out a gasp. But the face of Anel was one so harsh indeed but it did not stir his brothers fath so off his brother went.. Nor did he look on back.. But oh Anel the one who did not farewell in such thoughts of things shouted so loudly that his mother began to cry and the what did Anel do he stumped off to there house to put so.e on his brothers trail......he him self desired to go as well, so why not let his brother to ever sends Anels older brother had been called to the kings side had Anel been the oldest at home.

But alas, he was not. And so, Anel took it upon himself to find his younger brother and bring him back home. He packed his belongings and set off on a journey filled with uncertainty, determination, and love.

Anel traveled far and wide, asking every person he encountered if they had seen his brother. Many shook their heads, others offered sympathy, and some simply did not care. But Anel persevered, his heart filled with hope, never once losing faith in finding his brother.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and still Anel never gave up. He traveled through vast forests, crossed treacherous mountains, and sailed across stormy seas, all in pursuit of his beloved brother. Along the way, he faced countless obstacles and challenges, but the thought of reuniting with his family kept him going.

As time went on, Anel's determination morphed into desperation. He could feel the weight of his family's yearning back home, the countless nights spent worrying and praying for their lost son. Anel knew he had to find his brother, not only for himself but for the sake of his grieving parents.

And then, one fateful day, as the sun began to set, Anel's prayers were answered. He stumbled upon a small village, its peacefulness contrasting with the turmoil in his heart. Anel approached a kind old woman sitting on a bench and asked if she had seen his brother.

The woman's eyes sparkled with recognition as she gestured for Anel to follow her. She led him through winding alleyways until they reached a humble cottage, where his brother stood in the doorway, tears streaming down his weary face.

Anel's heart swelled with relief and joy. He embraced his brother tightly, feeling the weight of their journey lifting off their shoulders. They held each other, sharing their stories, their struggles, and their newfound strength.

Together, the brothers returned home, where their family welcomed them with open arms and tearful eyes. The house was filled with laughter, warmth, and the sweet sound of their mother's soothing voice. Anel had succeeded in bringing his brother back, not only to their physical home but to the love and support of their family.

And as the years passed, Anel and his brother cherished every moment, knowing the value of family and the power of never giving up on those you love. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and the painful memories of their separation were replaced with a deep and enduring love.

For Anel, the journey had been long and arduous, filled with countless trials and tribulations. But in the end, it was worth every step, every tear, every ounce of strength, for he had brought his family back together, and their love would forever withstand the test of time.