This is a story about a people it's hard to tell where they went you may see them again. people do cry when they hear them say " good bye forever" but you should understand what I mean today. You'll be very sad if cannot see your family you love severely. His house is of bricks and logs, Nothing else plain and simple. He says if you live a good life you'll be happy, if you live a bad life you'll be sad. So he addeds all I wish is to live a good, quiet simple life. But many ask him how can you do that when you, when you have so many troubles. But all he did was laugh and say find out for your self now I shell be on my way. Good bye forever. Now wait tell us were your go, they all did beg. But all he said was if I do that it will not be a good bye no! Now leave me be I shall be on my way. I

Fine you all play this play well" Anel. Said " you really can't tell that this is not real life. Now do tell us were your going, you may even make your mother cry if you not tell us all.

But if I tell he did reply then it shall not be good by forever. Nor a quiet peace till life.
But you do Know me your brother Anel will follow you and it not Me some one else will.
All he did in reply was smile and simply say you would not ruin both my life and were I will go after wards. ye shall not follow me.... But wait cryed out Anel what are you really doing this for.
Ah, may I say sense you asked I am bound to tell so I do it yay to be like the saints. And all save Anel have out a gasp. But the face of Anel was one so harsh indeed but it did not stir his brothers fath so off his brother went.. Nor did he look on back.. But oh Anel the one who did not farewell in such thoughts of things shouted so loudly that his mother began to cry and the what did Anel do he stumped off to there house to put so.e on his brothers trail......he him self desired to go aswell

to see where his brother had gone. He couldn't bear the thought of his brother leaving without a proper explanation. Anel followed his brother's footsteps, determined to find him and bring him back.

Anel ventured through forests and mountains, asking villagers and travelers if they had seen his brother. But no one had any answers. Days turned into weeks, and Anel's hope began to waver. He started to doubt whether he would ever find his brother or if he was simply chasing a ghost.

Just as Anel was about to give up, he stumbled upon a small, secluded village tucked away in the mountains. The villagers were kind but aloof, and they seemed to possess a wisdom beyond their years. Anel found himself drawn to their way of life, so different from his own.

He stayed in the village for weeks, learning from the villagers and embracing their simple and peaceful lifestyle. They taught him the value of living a good life, filled with kindness and compassion. Anel realized that his brother had known about this village all along. He had left to seek peace and solitude, to find a place where he could live a good, quiet life.

With a heavy heart, Anel accepted that his brother had found his happiness in this village, far away from their family. He began to understand why his brother had chosen to leave without saying goodbye forever. It was his way of protecting his newfound peace and preventing anyone from disrupting it.

Anel decided to return home, knowing that his brother had found his own path. He respected his brother's decision and understood the importance of finding one's own happiness. He shared the wisdom he had gained from the villagers with his family, spreading their teachings of living a good life and finding contentment.

Years passed, and Anel continued to live by the lessons he had learned. He often wondered how his brother was doing and if he had found the happiness he sought. Although they were apart, Anel held onto the hope that one day they would meet again, and the goodbye would no longer be forever.

And so, the story of the people who were hard to find continued, ever elusive, but leaving a lasting impact on those who heard their tale. They reminded people to appreciate their loved ones, to cherish the simple moments, and to live a good, quiet life - a reminder that would stay with them even if they never saw those mysterious people again.