This is a story about a people it's hard to tell where they went you may see them again. people do cry when they hear them say " good bye forever" but you should understand what I mean today. You'll be very sad if cannot see your family you love severely. His house is of bricks and logs, Nothing else plain and simple. He says if you live a good life you'll be happy, if you live a bad life you'll be sad. So he addeds all I wish is to live a good, quiet simple life. But many ask him how can you do that when you, when you have so many troubles. But all he did was laugh and say find out for your self now I shell be on my way. Good bye forever. Now wait tell us were your go, they all did beg. But all he said was if I do that it will not be a good bye no! Now leave me be I shall be on my way. I

Fine you all play this play well" Anel. Said " you really can't tell that this is not real life. Now do tell us were your going, you may even make your mother cry if you not tell us all.
But if I tell he did reply then it shall not be good by forever. Nor a quiet peace till life.But you do Know me your brother Anel will follow you and it not Me some one else will.
All he did in reply was smile and simply say you would not ruin both my life and were I will go after wards. He shall not follow me.... But wait fryer out Anel what are you really going this for. Ah, may I say sense you asked I am bound to tell so I do it yay to be like the saints. And all save Anel have out a gasp. But she is face was one so harsh but it did not stir his brothers fath so off he went..

The people watched in silence as Anel walked away, a trail of dust settling in his wake. They couldn't comprehend his decision or understand why he would leave behind everything he knew and loved. They called out to him, pleading for an explanation, but he remained steadfast in his silence.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, the people of the village began to lose hope of ever seeing Anel again. They mourned his absence and whispered his name in hushed tones, as if saying it too loudly would make his departure more final. His absence left a void in their hearts that could never be filled.

Meanwhile, Anel ventured further into the unknown, driven by an unwavering determination to live a life filled with purpose and meaning. He encountered many hardships along the way - hunger, fatigue, and loneliness - but he never wavered in his resolve.

One day, while resting by a serene river, Anel saw a reflection of a familiar face staring back at him. It was his mother, with tears streaming down her face. Anel knew then that he had to find a way to bring peace to his family's hearts. He had to let them know that his departure was not a final farewell, but a journey towards self-discovery.

With renewed determination, Anel made his way back to his village. The people were astonished to see him return, their eyes filled with both joy and sorrow. They held him tightly, refusing to let him go again, and demanded to know where he had gone.

Anel, with a smile on his face, finally revealed the purpose of his journey. He had left to find himself, to discover his true calling, and to live a life that would bring him peace. He had traveled far and wide, experiencing the world and gaining wisdom along the way.

His family and friends listened intently, understanding now the depth of his longing for a simple, good life. They apologized for not understanding before and promised to support him in his quest for happiness.

Anel's departure had sparked a flame within his community, igniting a desire for self-discovery and personal growth. Inspired by his journey, others began to explore their own passions and dreams, embarking on their own journeys of self-discovery.

In the end, Anel's departure was not a permanent goodbye, but a catalyst for change. He had shown his loved ones that sometimes, in order to find true happiness, one must have the courage to walk a different path.

And so, Anel's name continued to be whispered in the village, not with sadness but with gratitude and inspiration. The people knew that they may see him again, and when they did, he would be living a life that was true to himself, a life that brought him joy and fulfillment.

And as they watched him disappear into the distance once more, this time they didn't say goodbye forever, but rather, "See you soon."