In your journal, you made up an inequality and solved it. You also brainstormed what it would look like to communicate your solution clearly if your inequality represented a real-world problem. In your first post, share your inequality and solution

Use made up characters and realisitic situations,

and put it in 7th graders words.

Inequality: 2x + 5 > 15

Solution: x > 5

Let me introduce you to Sam and Emma, two 7th grade friends who love going to the movie theater! They both have a limited amount of money they can spend, but they want to make sure they have enough for popcorn and a drink.

Sam has $5, and Emma has $10. They want to know who can spend more on snacks without going over their budgets. To figure this out, they need to solve an inequality.

The inequality they come up with is 2x + 5 > 15. Here's how they worked it out in their own words:

Sam: "Let's say x represents the amount of money we want to spend on snacks. For me, x will be $5 because that's what I have. So, I substitute x with 5 in the inequality: 2(5) + 5 > 15."

Emma: "Right, Sam! Now we solve this. So, 2 times 5 is 10, and then we add 5. That gives us 15. So the inequality becomes 15 > 15."

Sam: "Hmm, that doesn't seem right. Both sides of the inequality are equal. Let's try again."

Emma: "Yes, you're correct. We need to adjust the inequality. We subtract 5 from both sides. We get 15 - 5 > 15 - 5, which simplifies to 10 > 10."

Sam: "Hmm, but that still doesn't seem right. We have to go back and check our work."

Emma: "You're right, Sam. We made a mistake. We didn't divide both sides by 2. Let's correct it!"

Sam: "Great catch, Emma! So we divide 10 by 2, and we get 5. And on the other side, we divide 10 by 2, which is also 5. Therefore, our corrected inequality is 5 > 5."

Emma: "That seems much better. So, if we compare our results, we can see that neither of us can spend more than our initial budget while buying snacks at the theater. We'll both have to stick to our budgets if we want to enjoy the movie night!"

Sam: "Absolutely, Emma. It's important to plan wisely and make sure we have enough money for other things too."

Through this example, Sam and Emma could explain how they solved the inequality 2x + 5 > 15, while also applying it to a real-world problem that relates to their interests and situations they can understand.

Summarize it to 2 sentences

Sam and Emma, two 7th graders who love going to the movies, had a budget for snacks but wanted to see who could spend more without going over their limits. They solved the inequality 2x + 5 > 15, understanding that they needed to adjust and correct their work to find that neither could spend more than their initial budget.

n your journal, you made up an inequality and solved it. You also brainstormed what it would look like to communicate your solution clearly if your inequality represented a real-world problem. In your first post, share your inequality and solution

Use made up characters and realisitic situations,

and put it in 7th graders words.

Solve the inequality, and dont make the characters talk

3 sentences.

Inequality example: 2a + 4 < 10

Solution: a < 3

Two 7th grade friends, Lily and Max, wanted to buy some novelty items at a school fair but didn't want to spend more than $10. They found out that each item cost $2 plus an additional $4 for entry. They solved the inequality 2a + 4 < 10 and realized that to stay within budget, they needed the value of "a" to be less than 3.

bro dont just say they solved it show theyre work

I apologize for the confusion. Here is the solution to the inequality with the work shown:

Given inequality: 2a + 4 < 10

To solve it, we need to isolate the variable "a" on one side of the inequality.

Subtract 4 from both sides of the inequality:
2a + 4 - 4 < 10 - 4
2a < 6

Divide both sides of the inequality by 2:
(2a) / 2 < 6 / 2
a < 3

Hence, the solution to the inequality is a < 3.