A 6-foot tall man has a 9-foot shadow. At the same time, a tree he is standing next to has a 30-foot shadow.

How tall is the tree?

Answer options with 5 options
20 feet

27 feet

45 feet

21 feet

24 feet

To solve the problem, we can use proportions.

Let's represent the height of the man as M and the height of the tree as T.

According to the problem, the man's height is 6 feet and his shadow is 9 feet. This creates the proportion: M/6 = 9/9, which simplifies to M/6 = 1.

Similarly, we can create a proportion for the tree. The height of the tree is T and its shadow is 30 feet: T/30 = 6/9.

To find T, we can cross multiply: T = (30 * 6)/9 = 20 feet.

Therefore, the height of the tree is 20 feet.

Answer: A. 20 feet.