A Spanish class has a total of 33 students. The number of females is 17 less than the number of males. How many males and how many females are in the class?

Let's assume the number of females in the class is x.

Then the number of males in the class is x + 17.
The total number of students in the class is the sum of females and males, which is x + (x + 17) = 33.
Combining like terms, we get 2x + 17 = 33.
Subtracting 17 from both sides of the equation, we get 2x = 16.
Dividing both sides by 2, we get x = 8.
Therefore, there are 8 females and 8 + 17 = <<8+17=25>>25 males in the class. Answer: \boxed{8, 25}.