men's hiking socks regularly sell for $7.90 a pair they are on sale at three pairs for 1750 Esteban bought six pairs of socks at the sale price how much much did Esteban save

At the regular price of $7.90 per pair, three pairs would cost 3 * $7.90 = $<<3*7.90=23.70>>23.70.

Since Esteban bought six pairs at the sale price, he paid 6 * ($1750 / 3) = $<<6*(1750/3)=3500>>3500.
At the regular price, buying six pairs would cost 6 * 7.90 = $<<6*7.90=47.40>>47.40.
Thus, Esteban saved $47.40 - $35.00 = $<<47.40-35.00=12.40>>12.40. Answer: \boxed{12.40}.