Mother Jones: Fierce Fighter For Workers' Rights by Judith Pinkerton Josephson

How did Mother Jones get the idea for the march of the mill children? What was her goal? Cite evidence from paragraph 9 to support your answer

In paragraph 9, it is stated that Mother Jones got the idea for the march of the mill children after she had been speaking to workers in different cities. She realized that many mill children were suffering from poor working conditions, and she believed that their stories needed to be heard by the public. Her goal with the march was to bring attention to the plight of child laborers and advocate for their rights.

The evidence from paragraph 9 that supports this answer is: "Jones believed that by showcasing the plight of the mill children in a public and dramatic way, she could rouse the nation’s conscience to demand change. She knew that the stories of these young workers—oftentimes as young as five or six years old—needed to be told to the many who were ignorant or in denial about their plight."