A printer charges ​$2.45 for binding plus 10 cents per page for each copy of a community​ group's annual report.

Write the cost equation and answer the following questions.

The cost equation for the printer charges is:

Cost = $2.45 + ($0.10 * number of pages)

Now, let's answer the following questions:

1. What is the total cost if the community group wants to print 20 copies of a 30-page report?
To find the total cost, we need to multiply the cost per page by the number of copies and the number of pages:

Total cost = ($2.45 + ($0.10 * 30)) * 20
= ($2.45 + $3) * 20
= $5.45 * 20
= $109.

Therefore, the total cost would be $109.

2. How many copies can the community group afford if they have a budget of $300?
To find the number of copies, we need to divide the given budget by the cost per copy:

Number of copies = $300 divided by ($2.45 + ($0.10 * 30))
= $300 divided by ($2.45 + $3)
= $300 divided by $5.45
≈ 55.05.

Therefore, the community group can afford approximately 55 copies.

3. How many pages can the community group produce if they have a budget of $150?
To find the number of pages, we need to divide the given budget by the cost per page:

Number of pages = $150 divided by ($0.10 * number of copies + $2.45)
= $150 divided by ($0.10 * number of copies + $2.45)
= $150 divided by $5.45.

Therefore, the community group can produce 27.52 pages (rounded to 2 decimal places).