How did the south react to the election of Abraham Lincoln? Select all that apply

The South reacted to the election of Abraham Lincoln in a variety of ways. Some of the reactions include:

1. Secession: Several states in the South, starting with South Carolina, immediately seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America in response to Lincoln's election. By the time Lincoln took office, a total of 11 states had seceded.

2. Concerns about abolition: Many Southern states feared that Lincoln's election would lead to the abolition of slavery. They viewed his Republican Party as hostile to the institution of slavery, and this played a significant role in their decision to secede.

3. Increased tensions: The South generally felt threatened by Lincoln's election and anticipated a shift in political power in favor of the Northern states. The election aggravated existing sectional tensions between the North and the South, creating an atmosphere of hostility and eventually leading to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

4. Calls for compromise: Despite the strong reactions, there were also some in the South who advocated for compromise. They hoped to find a way to reconcile with the North and avoid secession. However, these voices were ultimately overshadowed by the majority that supported secession.

5. Protest movements: Some Southern states held protest rallies and public meetings to express their discontent with the election results and the perceived threat to their way of life.