Determine how this device helps the author to achieve his/her overall message (theme). What is the take-away from this story? What message or lesson is the author trying to share?

The device(s) I will examine in my literary analysis will show how the author (does what?) “In Another Country” by Ernest Hemingway pg. 249

The device that the author uses in the story "In Another Country" is the character of the narrator, who serves as the author's voice to convey the overall message and theme of the story. The narrator is a soldier who has been injured in war and is undergoing physical therapy in a hospital in Milan.

Through the narrator's perspective, the author emphasizes the themes of loss, disillusionment, and the futile nature of war. The narrator portrays the emotional and physical suffering experienced by soldiers, specifically focusing on his own sense of isolation and detachment from the world around him. The author uses the device of the narrator's experiences and interactions with other characters, such as the major, the doctor, and the other soldiers, to highlight the sense of alienation and the devastating effects of war.

The take-away from this story is a reflection on the destructive impact of war on individuals and society. The author conveys a message of the disillusionment and loss that soldiers face, as well as the inability to regain what has been lost. The story suggests that war ultimately leads to physical and emotional scars that cannot be healed, leaving individuals forever changed.

The lesson that the author is trying to share is the futility of war and the importance of recognizing and addressing the deep wounds it inflicts. By portraying the narrator's struggles and portrayals of other characters, the author implores readers to question the purpose and consequences of war, urging them to strive for peace and understanding instead.