Write an argumentative essay about whether zoos are helpful or harmful for animals. (use the source: Elephant breeding is a tricky business. By John Hayes, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Tribune Content Agency, adapted by Newsela staff) (and make my claim that they are helpful to animals)

Title: The Beneficial Role of Zoos in Ensuring Animal Welfare


Zoos have been a subject of intense debate, with arguments advocating for their contribution to animal welfare and conservation, as well as opposing viewpoints emphasizing potential harm inflicted upon captive animals. This essay argues that, despite certain limitations and occasional instances of unethical practices, zoos play a pivotal role in aiding animal preservation efforts, education, research, and fostering a sense of empathy and advocacy towards animals.


1. Conservation and Preservation

Zoos have become increasingly important in the conservation and preservation of endangered species. As elephant expert John Hayes highlights in his article, "Elephant breeding is a tricky business," zoos have successfully initiated successful breeding programs to safeguard populations that face threats in the wild. By using scientifically controlled environments conducive to reproduction, zoos contribute significantly to species propagation, ensuring their survival for future generations. For instance, the Pittsburgh Zoo's dedicated captive breeding program has resulted in the birth of several healthy elephants, ensuring genetic diversity and protecting this iconic species from extinction.

2. Education and Research

One of the primary purposes of zoos is to educate the public, particularly younger generations, about the importance of protecting and respecting animals. Through interactive exhibits, guided tours, and presentations, zoos inform visitors about the diverse array of species, their habitats, and the threats they face. Such educational initiatives foster an understanding of the efforts required for species conservation, encouraging people to take responsibility for animal welfare.

Moreover, zoos provide invaluable opportunities for scientific research, facilitating studies that may otherwise be challenging to conduct in the wild. By observing captive animals under controlled conditions, researchers can gain critical insights into animal behavior, physiology, and overall health. This knowledge is then utilized to improve animal care and conservational practices, benefiting both captive and wild populations.

3. Improvements in Animal Welfare

Despite historical criticisms of zoos for inadequate animal living conditions, modern zoos have made significant strides in enhancing animal welfare. These institutions invest considerable resources in providing spacious enclosures, diverse diets, environmental enrichment, and veterinary care to ensure the physical and psychological well-being of their animals. Ethical zoos adhere to rigorous guidelines set by organizations such as the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) to ensure that animals are provided with the highest standard of care possible.

Furthermore, zoos often serve as temporary sanctuaries for injured or abandoned animals that cannot be immediately released back into the wild. In these cases, zoos offer rehabilitation and care, giving these animals a second chance at survival. Most importantly, when possible, zoos work towards successfully reintroducing these animals to their natural habitats. This progressive approach exemplifies zoos' commitment to the long-term welfare and conservation of animals.


While the debate surrounding the ethical implications of zoos continues, it is important to recognize their significant contributions to animal welfare and conservation efforts. Through breeding programs, educational initiatives, scientific research, and commitment to improving animal welfare, modern zoos function as important catalysts in wildlife preservation. By fostering a greater understanding and empathy towards animals, zoos encourage the public to actively participate in conservation initiatives that are crucial in safeguarding our planet's biodiversity.