1. Define terrestrial animals and highlight five

examples of terrestrial animals.
2. Define mammals and highlight five examples of

1. Terrestrial animals are those that primarily live on land rather than in water. They have adapted to survive in the terrestrial environment and have features such as limbs or legs to move on land. Five examples of terrestrial animals are:

- Dogs: Domesticated dogs are known for their ability to live and thrive on land. They have four legs and are highly adapted for running and hunting.
- Elephants: These massive creatures are the largest land mammals on Earth. They have four legs and a trunk used for various purposes, including eating, drinking, and communication.
- Lions: Lions are known as the kings of the jungle and are ferocious predators. They have four legs and are specialized for hunting, with sharp claws and powerful jaws.
- Bears: Bears are omnivores and can be found in various habitats across the world. They have four legs, strong paws, and sharp claws for climbing, digging, and catching prey.
- Giraffes: These long-necked animals are found in the African savannah. They have four legs and a unique physique adapted for browsing leaves from tall trees.

2. Mammals are a class of animals characterized by attributes such as mammary glands for producing milk to nourish their young, hair or fur covering their bodies, and the ability to regulate their body temperature internally. Five examples of mammals are:

- Humans: We are mammals belonging to the species Homo sapiens. We have unique features such as the ability to walk upright, a highly developed brain, and complex social structures.
- Dolphins: Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals known for their social behaviors and agility in water. They have streamlined bodies and breathe air through a blowhole on top of their heads.
- Tigers: Tigers are majestic large cats known for their powerful bodies, distinct stripes, and hunting skills. They are primarily found in Asia and are highly endangered.
- Bats: Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight. They have wings consisting of a thin membrane stretched between elongated fingers and are active mostly at night.
- Elephants: As mentioned earlier, elephants are terrestrial mammals. They are known for their large size, long trunks, and tusks. They are highly social animals and have excellent memory and communication skills.