Georges asked five of his friends how long they studied for the last math test and what grade they received. He found a linear regression equation for the data to be y = 9.6x + 65.8.

A If they studied 0 hours they would earn a 65.8.
B The lowest grade of his five friends was a 65.8.
C The lowest grade they could receive on the test was a 65.8.
D For every hour they studied their grade would go up 65.8 points.

A If they studied 0 hours they would earn a 65.8.

This statement is true. According to the linear regression equation, if they studied 0 hours (x = 0), their grade (y) would be 65.8.

B The lowest grade of his five friends was a 65.8.
This statement cannot be determined from the given information. The regression equation does not provide information on the specific grades of Georges' friends, only the relationship between their study time and grades.

C The lowest grade they could receive on the test was a 65.8.
This statement is not necessarily true. The regression equation only provides a prediction based on the given data, but it does not guarantee that the lowest grade they could receive is 65.8. Their actual grades could be lower or higher depending on various factors.

D For every hour they studied their grade would go up 65.8 points.
This statement is not true. According to the linear regression equation, for every hour they studied (represented by x), their grade (represented by y) would increase by 9.6 points, not 65.8 points.