If the vector A= 6m and B= 8m magnitude are joined tail to tail. Find the magnitude of sum of vectors.

To find the magnitude of the sum of vectors, we need to find the magnitude of the resultant vector obtained by adding vectors A and B.

Since the vectors are joined tail to tail, we can imagine them forming a triangle. To find the magnitude of the sum, we can use the Pythagorean theorem.

Let's denote the resultant vector as R and its magnitude as |R|. We have:

|R|² = |A|² + |B|²

Plugging in the given values:

|R|² = 6² + 8²
|R|² = 36 + 64
|R|² = 100

Taking the square root of both sides to solve for |R|:

|R| = √100
|R| = 10

Therefore, the magnitude of the sum of vectors A and B is 10m.