How did Ch'in Shi Hang unite China?

by declaring Islam as China's religion

by making his government less harsh

by undertaking vast building projects

by decentralizing the government

Ch'in Shi Hang, also known as Qin Shi Huang, united China through various strategies and actions. Some of the key methods he employed include:

1. Centralization of power: Qin Shi Huang established a strong centralized government by creating a standardized legal system, currency, weights, and measures. He eliminated feudalistic practices and established a bureaucracy loyal to the central authority.

2. Standardization: He standardized the Chinese script, reducing the variety of written characters and making communication more efficient across a vast territory. This helped in facilitating governance and communication between different regions.

3. Infrastructure development: He initiated major construction projects, including the construction of roads, canals, and bridges. The most famous project was the Great Wall of China, which served both as a defensive barrier and a symbol of Chinese unity.

4. Territorial expansion through military conquest: Qin Shi Huang pursued aggressive military campaigns to expand the territory of his empire. He defeated rival independent states and merged them into a unified China under his rule.

5. Cultural assimilation: Qin Shi Huang implemented policies to promote cultural assimilation, including the burning of books and the burying of scholars, aimed at eradicating rival ideologies and solidifying the ideology of the Qin Dynasty. This helped in promoting a sense of unity and loyalty to the central authority.

It is important to note that Qin Shi Huang did not declare Islam as China's religion, as Islam was introduced to China several centuries later during the Tang Dynasty. Additionally, his rule was known for its harshness, rather than becoming less harsh, as he implemented strict laws and punishments to maintain order and control.